Thursday, April 25, 2013

Senior Project Update 8.

On April 20, 2013 Pomona Valley Special Olympics got to participate in a tournament at Cal Poly Pomona. This event was host by Lanterman Developmental Center and Pomona Valley Special Olympics. Each tournament takes turns in hosting a event. Lanterman and Pomona Valley Special Olympics split the costs for food, medals, having medical care, and tents and extra items. Other Special Olympics teams came from all different areas for example: South LA, East San Gabriel Chapter and Fountain Valley. Due to another event being held in San Bernardino County may chapters did not show up which was a downer. But they did not stop the athletes from having a good time. Coaches had to arrive early and check in. The other coaches and I waited wait for the athletes to arrive and start our day. Once they athletes arrived we stretch a little to get warm up to play some bocce ball. In tournaments depending on the division the athletes are on it depends on how much coaching they can receive. The divisions range from A-D. In A and B divisions they is usually a team caption who is a athlete and helps run the team. A and B levels cannot receive help or coaching in a tournaments. In C and D teams coaching is allowed because the team consisted of lower development athletes. The team that was taken was a D level team, so coaching was allowed. Me and the other coaches supported and assisted when needed. There were games and booths for the athletes when they were not competing. Overall the day was great and all the athletes had a great time.

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