Monday, June 4, 2012

Blog 1: Summer Mentorship Component


Literal (Know)
10 Hour Mentorship Log and Contact Information

Literal (Need to Know)
  • How is Special Olympics funded?
  • Where does Special Olympics get their athletes from?
  • How do athletes get to and from practices and events?
  • Who has a paid position in the organization?
  • Does a caregiver need to stay with an athlete at practices and events? 

The most important aspect I learned from volunteering at Pomona Valley Special Olympics is that the athletes truly want to be at practices and events.  For many of them, going to practices and events is the highlight of their week.  Where they come to have fun and enjoy time with their friends.  They also enjoy the bonds and friendships they have established with coaches and volunteers.  For many athletes, Special Olympics is their second or only family. 


My volunteer experience with the athletes of Pomona Valley Special Olympics had a profound affect on me.  These athletes are just like you and me.  They want to be loved, praised, and be accepted.  As I worked with this organization, I realized that Special Olympics plays a huge role in their daily lives.  In many ways, this organization is the only thing they have to look forward to.  It is because of these reasons that there needs to be awareness of Special Olympics.  I have selected Special Olympics as my project in order to spread awareness and hopefully bring new athletes and volunteers to this wonderful organization.