1. What is your essential question?
What is the most significant way that Special Olympics can help a person with a intellectual disability gain social competence?
2.What is your third answer to your essential question?
By giving the athletes self esteem they can do anything. When someone has self esteem can do and conquer anything.
3. What are three details to support of justify your answer?
At Special Olympics coaches and volunteers praise the athletes. After they compete a task we like to tell them they did a good job and give them words of encouragement.
Coaches help athletes remember that the sports game is not just about winning. Many athletes forget the moto of Special Olympics. Which is to build friendships, have a good attitude, be positive and have fun. It hurts a lot of the athletes feelings when they do not win, so we as coaches have to remind them why we are here. Even some times we have to ask the athletes questions for them to realize that they did have a good time. For example: If an athlete is mad, a coach might say you tried your best and that's all that mattered. Did you have a good time? Did you throw any good balls? Did you try your best? And remind them of their accomplishments they have made.
When a higher functioning athletes can assist a lower functioning athletes, their self esteem is boosted. They feel like their being a coach, mother/father or caregiver.
"Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt." -Special Olympics athletes oath.
4. What source helped you prove this answer is justified for your essential question?
"Coaching Guides." Coaching Guides, Special Olympics, Web. 01 Nov. 2012<http://sports.specialolympics.org/specialolympics.org/Special_/English?Coach/Coaching
5. What do you plan on studying next and why?
Next I plan on studying self help skills because self help skills are important in every ones lives.
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