Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blog 25: Mentorship


What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
The most important thing that I have gained from volunteering at Pomona Valley Special Olympics is inclusiveness. This is a very important skill to have. To get the athletes to be included in events and activities I would need to talk to them try convince them to participate. To learn the skill of inclusiveness my communications skills have also increased. At Special Olympics coaches and volunteers make sure that all athletes are participating. I have seen how happy athletes are once they decide to join and play the sport. All of their worries go away.

My essential question is: "What is the most significant way that Special Olympics can help a person with an intellectual disability gain social competence?"
From volunteering and coaching at Pomona Valley Special Olympics I have seen athletes grow and become independent. For example, I have seen a athlete name Dawn who at the beginning wanted everyone to do and complete tasks for her. She would not pick up her own bowling ball and did not want to participate. It took her a while to finally start to do things on her own. With the help of coaches and volunteers she is now becoming socially competent and independent. We worked with her on why it is important to do things on her own and how to do things on her own. I have witnessed first hand that Special Olympics does help athletes gain social competence. I am very proud to be part of this great organization that helps so many people across the world.

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