Sunday, September 23, 2012

Working EQ

The Pentagon:
(1) Positive Statement:
A positive thing that has happened as a result that I have completed so far is interacting with the athletes. I am building relationships with them. It is nice to talk to them and to know their likes and dislikes.

(2) EQ Content:
My interview with Beth Oberon has helped me a lot. She gave me a lot of background information about Special Olympics. More importantly it has taught that if people did not volunteer their time, there would be no Special Olympics, Pomona Valley. All positions within this area are volunteer positions.

(3) Something that that worked for me is attending all Special Olympic bowling sessions. This enables me to work directly with athletes, coaches, and other volunteers.

(4) I have not been able to see and volunteer in some of the other sports that are available through Pomona Valley.

(5) Finding Value: Based on your experience so far, 

· I would like to know if athletes that participate in Special Olympics have better health that those who don't. Also, I would like to know how much health and fitness ties into Special Olympics.

· My end goal of this senior project is to spread awareness about Special Olympics and to people with special needs. This is my main goal because hardly anyone knows about people with special needs. Research says 1 in 10 families have a child with special needs.

· I would like to talk to Lorie Oberon next. She is another coach at bowling. She has been with Pomona Valley Special Olympics for several years and is always giving back.

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